3D Laser Scanner Tecnology

Types of Device

Long Range 3D Laser Scanner

Long Range 3D Laser Scanner

The most popular type. It is mounted on a tripod and scans the surrounding environment with high precision.

Wearable Mobile Mapping Solution

Wearable Mobile Mapping Solution

An operator can carry the system on his/her back just like a backpack while scanning. The type of scanned areas can widely vary from vast areas of mountains to narrow passages of city streets.

Type-of-Vehicle-Independent Mobile Mapping Solution

Type-of-Vehicle-Independent Mobile Mapping Solution

By fixing it on a car, a train car or a vessel, it covers a wider areas and at higher speeds.

Long Range 3D Laser Scanner

  • STEP ① 3次元点群データの計測
    Focus S 350

    Scans Surrounding Environments as 3D Point Cloud Data

    Enables to Creation of Drawings and 3D Modeling

    Utilized in Repair Planning, Disaster Prevention Simulation etc.

    3D laser scanner is a device that captures shapes of surrounding objects in a form of “point clouds” – meaning that all information become digitized. The data can be utilized for modeling, monitoring of infrastructure, security checks, designs and etc.

  • STEP ① 3次元点群データの計測
    Visualization of Piping at Plant Facilities

    By creating the model data from acquired point clouds, users can detect possibilities of conflicts in complex piping systems. Also, it is suitable for simulation of new facilities and planning of the new piping layouts.

  • STEP ① 3次元点群データの計測
    Disaster Simulation at Public Facilities

    By scanning the entire shapes of the facilities and converting the data into CAD drawings it is possible to realize more efficient renovations and repairs. The data can also be used for disaster simulation such as flooding.

  • STEP ① 3次元点群データの計測
    Investigation of Damaged Cultural Property

    Original drawings of the cultural property, built hundreds of years ago might be lost at the present. 3D scanning helps to recreate/create elevation or section view drawings. Moreover, the acquired data of minute details of decorations is essential for the preservation activities.

Overseas Projects

Location Thailand
Field Work 2 days
Number of Equipment 1
Reference Points 80
Purpose 3D scanning for the factory equipment

Location Malaysia
Field Work 2 days
Number of Equipment 1
Reference Points 80
Purpose 3D scanning for the factory equipment

Location Taiwan
Field Work 12 days
Number of Equipment 2
Reference Points 1,200
Purpose 3D scanning for the factory equipment

Location China
Field Work 3 days
Number of Equipment 1
Reference Points 90
Purpose 3D scanning and data processing for collision detection of new pipeline